Delta is preparing a Master Plan for the Prescott Municipal Airport, including updated operations forecasting, determining facility requirements based on forecasted demand, development alternatives and evaluation, a financial feasibility analysis, and the preparation of an Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawing set. A land use compatibility evaluation will be conducted, including coordinating with the City of Prescott and Yavapai County, to obtain shapefiles for current zoning and land use and to identify incompatible land uses. The financial feasibility analysis involves examining PRC’s financial resources, including its basic business model, operating revenues and expenses, and sources and uses of capital funds.
Additionally, a Runway Incursion Mitigation (RIM) analysis is to be conducted to identify risk factors and to develop strategies to mitigate these risks. This master planning effort also includes an aerial survey and obstruction analysis and the upload of the data to the FAA Airports GIS database. Forecasts are to be completed for air carrier enplanements, aircraft operations (general aviation, commercial service, military, and air cargo), and for based and transient aircraft. Air carrier enplanements will be forecasted according to several different “what if” scenarios. To further understand the current air service market and to develop realistic estimates of long-term future airline passenger demand, an in-depth air service market evaluation will be conducted. The Master Plan is being coordinated closely with FAA and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).