Runway 9-27 Rehabilitation


Runway 9-27 at Los Alamos Airport was rehabilitated in order to provide a new wearing surface course. The existing pavement surface had served its useful life and was exhibiting moderate to severe cracking. A Pavement Condition Index (PCI) study/report was completed by the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Aviation Division in July of 2007. The study resulted in the runway pavement condition being reported as very poor and in borderline serious condition. Rehabilitating the runway pavement in its current condition was done to preclude total pavement reconstruction in the near future.

In order to achieve a total runway length of 6,000 feet, the design of the project also included a 450 foot runway extension to Runway 27. A Runway Length Study was completed in January, 2007. Although the study indicated a runway length of 6,100 feet as the recommendation for accommodating 75% of small airplanes with less than 10 passenger seats, a shorter extension (to 6,000 feet) was evaluated and determined to be more economically feasible than extending the runway to 6,100 feet. The amount of grading and earthwork required to accommodate a 6,100 foot runway proved to be cost prohibitive.

The existing runway edge lights are Medium Intensity Runway Lights (MIRLs) and are located approximately 10 feet off of the runway pavement. The existing runway edge lights remained and new runway edge lights were installed for the runway extension portion of the project. This project also included the relocation of Runway End Identifier Lights at the end of Runway 27 as well as the installation of new distance remaining signs for Runway 9-27. Three bid alternates were designed in order to provide funding flexibility for construction. Excellent bids were received, allowing the entire project (rehabilitation plus runway extension) to be awarded. Construction was completed in July, 2011.